Logos Mecenazgo deportivo Juan Roig
Logo Cultura del Esfuerzo

Its mission is to share with Valencian society part of what Juan Roig receives from it, through social actions that promote and reward personal endeavour, using sport as an example and contributing to make the Valencian Community a sports model.

"Knowledge and money give happiness if you share them".
Juan Roig

27 millones de euros de aportaciones económicas Financial contributions



Create the conditions for the basketball to be a source of pride for our Fans and for the whole Society, being an example of the values of the Culture of Endeavour.


Being recognized as one of the best basketball clubs in Europe with greater sports and economic solidity, and that people want it to exist in Valencia.

Logo Valencia Basket Club

From 1986

hours of training, games, tournaments and championships for the enjoyment of thousands of athletes, family members and fans.

users have used L'Alqueria del Basket in its second year of operation.

players, trainers and specialists form the structure of L'Alqueria del Basket in its day-to-day life.

Valencia Basket Club season-ticket holders.

fans came to La Fonteta during 2019 to witness the games of the men's and women's teams.

Presentación equipos Valencia Basket Club 2019/20 Presentation of Valencia Basket Club 2019/20 teams.
Cadete A Femenino tras conseguir el bronce en el Campeonato de España U15 girls team after getting bronze at the Spanish Championships.
Infantil A tras conseguir su pase a la fase final de la Minicopa U13 boys team after getting his pass to the final phase of the Minicopa.



Promoting social actions that satisfy to the maximum number of beneficiaries, using sport like example and as a way of giving the Model and Values of the Culture of the Endeavour off.


Giving the Culture of Effort off in the Valencian Community through effort in sports.

Logo Fundación Trinidad Alfonso

From 2012

participants in races promoted or supported by the FTA.

children and young people beneficiaries of the different actions of the FTA.

high performance athletes supported through assistance programs.

tourist spending in the Valencian Community by the projects of the FTA.

participants in the 10 sports entrepreneurship projects driven in 2019.

Programa de Apoyo a Competiciones de la Comunitat Valenciana PAC CV Plus.
Presentación del Proyecto FER 2019 Project FER 2019 presentation.
Presentación de la Plaza del Maratón Marathon Square presentation.